Wedding Madison & Huntsville Family Photographer – Madison Nature Trail

Today her groom left to take his post in Germany. Our servicemen sacrifice so much for their country. I will always be grateful to the men and women (and their families) that give so much of themselves in the name of our freedom.

This song is a special one. When they met, Josh already knew he wanted to join the Army and he asked her “Will you go with me?” This song is theirs and it played the day they forever committed themselves to each other.

I put together this video with some of my favorite images from their special day.  Hopefully Josh will get to see it before his overseas flight leaves!!!



I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!

My packages offer digital images as well as print products.

I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families) and focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful relationships that are found in your own family.

To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email

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