
My Little 4 Month Old

Wow! I almost forgot about this months shoot… I only realized another month had passed because of my husbands birthday (same day, different month)

I am really enjoying this project so far! I love comparing them and seeing how he is changing :-)


Project 12: My Sweetie

This moths theme is “sweet”. You would think it would be an easy one… (But it wasn’t) I was trying to come up with something original and different and couldn’t seem to think of anything that was quite right. Last week I was trying out a few ideas with Lauren and the tutu I made her for Christmas. I will do a few things differently in the future (such as not using a cream floor drop with a white tutu) but overall I think they turned out really cute! She is ALL GIRL!!!


After we were done I was talking to her and the recycle truck rolled up. Instantly our conversation stopped and she was glued to the window. I was just struck by how simply beautiful she is and how much magic she sees in everyday life :-). These images just seem to reflect the magic she felt in that moment.




The contrast between the two sets of images is so striking to me! the first set is cute but the second set is who she is! It makes me that much more certain that I need to pursue lifestyle photography. It just resonates with me in ways that other types of photography doesn’t.

In our house she is know as our sweetie. She definitely makes life sweeter, there is no doubt about it and we were right on the money when we chose her nick name :-)

Noah is 3 months old!

Most babies are born with grey eyes and until they are around 3 months old you don’t really see much color. I wrapped him up in his blue blanket yesterday and I was struck by how blue his eyes are getting! I decided right then that his beautiful eyes were what I wanted to focus on for this shoot. :-)

My little boy blue :-)








My Project 12 – Black and White

I couldn’t help myself!  I saw a little girl playing dressed up with her mommy’s wedding dress on Pinterest and I knew instantly that I wanted a photo of Lauren in mine!!!  I decided to use this months theme of Black and White to capture it.  I am a mother before a photographer, so I am not sure if these are “technically perfect” but they are of my baby girl and I think she is absolutely beautiful. :-)DSC_0169 - Version 2DSC_0204 - Version 2DSC_0162DSC_0317 DSC_0206 DSC_0168 - Version 2 (2)DSC_0163 - Version 2

If you would like to join myself and some others in this project, head over to My Project 12 and take a look around!  The more, the merrier :-)

3 Months!!!






Noah is 2 Months!!!

Noah is 2 months old (I can’t believe it!)…  I took him in for his check up and he weighs 13 pounds already.  He is getting big WAY too fast.  Good thing his life will be “well documented” ;-)

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The McCarty Kids

One of the primary reasons I want to be a “good” photographer is because I want AWESOME pictures of my kids :-)  I am the first one to admit that I am not objective when I am looking at pictures of my kids, but what can I say, they are mine and I am crazy about them! :-)

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