
Family Photography In Madison and Huntsville Alabama – Parnell Family

Just look at her!  Her dimples, her curls and she has the most adorable little personality on top of it!!!  I took her 2 year old birthday pictures last year and I was thrilled when her mama asked me to take photos of their whole family this year :-)  They recently moved and have the most gorgeous land stretching out around them.  When clients ask if I will do their session where they live is something I get pretty excited about.  Family photography is really important to me if only because it has everyone present.  It is a snapshot in time of everyone TOGETHER <3

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Did you know you get a FREE large print (up to 20×24) with all of my full sessions?  I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!

I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography but I would also love to help you capture your Maternity, Senior and Couples memories as well.

To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email (jenniMphotography@gmail.com)!  I would love to hear from you :-)


Family Photographer In Madison and Huntsville Alabama – Alcorn Family

Have I mentioned I come from a big family?  Yup, I am the oldest of 6 kids, 4 boys and 2 girls.  I loved it so much that I now have 4 kids of my own!

When Julie asked me to photograph their family of 10 on their own farm I jumped at the opportunity.  I know so well how difficult it is to get 6 kids together now that we are older and I am sure 8 kids is even harder!  Soon, everyone will have their own families and this photo will grow exponentially, but for now it is simply perfect!












Did you know you get a FREE large print (up to 20×24) with all of my full sessions?  I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!

I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography but I would also love to help you capture your Maternity, Senior and Couples memories as well.

To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email (jenniMphotography@gmail.com)!  I would love to hear from you :-)


Natural Light Family Photography In Madison and Huntsville Alabama – Benson Family

Lauren is a really close friend of mine.  Lauren has a marvelous husband and 3 gorgeous girls to call her own.  Lauren is also a photographer and I can’t tell you what a huge complement it is to me that she asked that I take their family photos.  She knew I was itching to try some new things and gave me full creative control of the session (which is not an easy thing to do if you are a photographer getting your photos taken!)  While Lauren and I were talking of sunrises, light and the perfect location (as geeky photographers do) the reality of those plans were being ready for a sunrise session in a damp 39 degrees.  It turned out beautifully though and I couldn’t be happier with the results!  I am also pretty excited about giving the gift of “being IN photos” to my friend.  She knows as well as I do how seldom we as photographers get in front of the camera and I love that she will be present in the visual history of her family. <3

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Did you know you get a FREE large print (up to 20×24) with all of my full sessions?  I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!

I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography but I would also love to help you capture your Maternity, Senior and Couples memories as well.

To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email (jenniMphotography@gmail.com)!  I would love to hear from you :-)


Family Photography In Madison and Huntsville Alabama – Yandell Family

Oh how sweet these little moments are.  Family photography is something that I hold so close to my heart.  As a mom I am SUCH a sucker for the moments when everything is simple, when genuine contentment and love spill in to their eyes.  Life is so complicated sometimes between the business of work, home and then add on kids and other commitments.  These moments are just simple, beautifully simple.

This family was fantastic!  Can you even believe how cute their kids are?  They both reminded me so much of my 2 that are that age it was hard to not have a soft spot for them <3  How do you keep kids this age engaged in a family photography session?  Play of course!

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Did you know you get a FREE large print (up to 20×24) with all of my full sessions?  I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!

I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography but I would also love to help you capture your Maternity, Senior and Couples memories as well.

To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email (jenniMphotography@gmail.com)!  I would love to hear from you :-)


Family Photography In Madison and Huntsville Alabama – Elledge Family

The only way I know how to communicate how wonderful this evening was is to use the word “magical”!  I know…  It sounds corny, but good grief!  The weather was perfect, it was a new location that I am now obsessed with because it is just PERFECT for photos, the Elledge family couldn’t be more beautiful and their kids are stinkin cute!!!  I absolutely LOVE how these photos turned out of this family!  This photo session is to date one of my favorite family photo shoots.  You may actually remember their little girl.  I have been photographing her since she was itty bitty. <3 Baby Kate

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I recently started including a FREE large print (up to 20×24) with all of my full sessions to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!

I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography but I would also love to help you capture your Maternity, Senior and Couples memories as well.

To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email (jenniMphotography@gmail.com)!  I would love to hear from you :-)



Family Photography In Madison and Huntsville Alabama – De Smet Family

I couldn’t wait!  You see, I have been DYING to do a photo session for someone at their own home.  There is something so much more intimate and sentimental about taking pictures on your own land.  There are memories and roots associated with the place we each call home.  I send out a questionnaire before a session, it’s a way for me to get to know you and your kids before I show up.  Knowing that chickens made this little girl light up and that He just loves climbing trees got me more than one genuine smile on this day ;-)  Anyways, what I found out was that this family LOVES the outdoors!  I can’t imagine a better place to have your family photos taken than outside on your very own beautiful farm.  These are just a few of my many favorites.  I hope you enjoy them :-)

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I recently started including a FREE large print (up to 20×24) with all of my full sessions to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!

I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography but I would also love to help you capture your Maternity, Senior and Couples memories as well.

To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email (jenniMphotography@gmail.com)!  I would love to hear from you :-)


Madison Alabama Child Photography: Lanie

Oh how I love photographing in the cotton field!  Fortunately Madison AL has a bunch of them.  I was getting a little nervous though…  For the past 2 weeks I have been keeping my eye on a specific one that was just perfect for photos and the day before the shoot the cotton field right down the road got harvested!  My heart started pounding until I saw “my” cotton still untouched.  Hallelujah!!!  We had a TON of rain the night before and were slipping and squishing through the mud, but Lanie had a blast!  I couldn’t wait to get home and unload my memory card, sure enough, her genuine joy came through and I am so pleased to give this priceless memory to her Mama.

I have a sentimental attachment to the cotton.  We moved here from Kodiak Alaska and every year, just when the cotton is in full bloom and ready to be harvested, one of my Facebook friends in Alaska posts that they woke up to “termination dust” (the first snow dusting of the season) signaling the end of the short Alaskan summer.  Cotton is my Alabama snow and it in its strange way reminds me of home :-)

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I recently started including a FREE large print (up to 20×24) with all of my full sessions to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!

I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography but I would also love to help you capture your Maternity, Senior and Couples memories as well.

To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email (jenniMphotography@gmail.com)!  I would love to hear from you :-)


Campbell Family – Madison Alabama Family Photos

Meet the Campbells :-)  It was a early morning shoot on beautiful property with a special family and 3 southern sweet kids!  We even caught some beautiful golden hour light at the beginning of the shoot.  I love shooting outdoor photography!  There are so many beautiful places to explore.  In this case I have some friends who own a gorgeous dairy and beef farm.  Their land is simply beautiful!!!

This photo shoot was extra special though.  Seven years ago on exactly this day their little boy legally became a Campbell!  Ever since then they have celebrated “Family Day” with family pictures, a big waffle breakfast and spending the whole day together.  I am so glad they chose me to document such an important day in their lives :-)


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I recently started including a FREE large print (up to 20×24) with all of my full sessions to help you create your own custom sentimental art for your home!!!

To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email (jenniMphotography@gmail.com)!  I would love to hear from you :-)


Madison and Huntsville Al Family Children and Lifestyle Photography

Ashley’s a Senior!!! – Madison Al Senior Pictures

This is Ashley :-)  I taught a semester of photography to a group of high schoolers at a local home school co-op this past year, and Ashley was one of my students!  She LOVES photography and is excited to learn more.  When we started chatting about a location she knew right where she wanted to go.  Down the street from her house is the coolest horse barn.  I can totally see why she chose it as the location for her senior photos!  The color and texture was an awesome backdrop and I love it when a client chooses a location that means something to them.  It makes the photos more personal, they are more comfortable, the images always turn out better because they just feel natural!  I love doing on location photography for this very reason :-)  These are just a few of my favorites, there were so many beautiful images!  Ashley also loves a good serious photo so I had to make sure to get a few without smiles. ;-)

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I recently started including a FREE large print (up to 20×24) with all of my full sessions to help you create your own custom sentimental art for your home!!!

To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email (jenniMphotography@gmail.com)!  I would love to hear from you :-)


Givens Family – Monte Sano Huntsville Alabama

I am horribly embarrassed to say this session got off to a really rough start…  We had made plans to shoot at a completely different location only to arrive and find out that there was a huge event going on and a fence around the whole place!  Like a prepared photographer should, I had a back up plan close by…  The problem was that I hadn’t even mentioned it to Monisha and when we got there it wasn’t what she had in mind…  We put our heads together and ended up at Monte Sano National Park and started shooting over an hour after our appointment time!  These two girls were happy little troopers through it all!!!  I know how hard it would have been having my kids in the car for an extra hour and these two were still sweet as ever.  Thank you Joe and Monisha for hanging in there!  I PROMISE it won’t happen again!!!


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