My Family

My Project 12 – Black and White

I couldn’t help myself!  I saw a little girl playing dressed up with her mommy’s wedding dress on Pinterest and I knew instantly that I wanted a photo of Lauren in mine!!!  I decided to use this months theme of Black and White to capture it.  I am a mother before a photographer, so I am not sure if these are “technically perfect” but they are of my baby girl and I think she is absolutely beautiful. :-)DSC_0169 - Version 2DSC_0204 - Version 2DSC_0162DSC_0317 DSC_0206 DSC_0168 - Version 2 (2)DSC_0163 - Version 2

If you would like to join myself and some others in this project, head over to My Project 12 and take a look around!  The more, the merrier :-)

3 Months!!!






Noah is 2 Months!!!

Noah is 2 months old (I can’t believe it!)…  I took him in for his check up and he weighs 13 pounds already.  He is getting big WAY too fast.  Good thing his life will be “well documented” ;-)

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The McCarty Kids

One of the primary reasons I want to be a “good” photographer is because I want AWESOME pictures of my kids :-)  I am the first one to admit that I am not objective when I am looking at pictures of my kids, but what can I say, they are mine and I am crazy about them! :-)

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