Isn’t she exquisite? She has the ginger coloring and those freckles make me jealous every time I see her! To top it off she is just sweet <3 This isn’t the first time she has been in front of my lens, last year for her session she had this dress all picked out and then it just got too cold sooner than we thought it would… The photos turned out great but we made sure to get some use out of the dress this time around. It was simply perfect and I can’t tell you how much I am in love with how these photos turned out. We started the session with sun but then the clouds rolled in. We kept thinking that they would blow past but as darker storm clouds rolled in over the white fluffy ones I had a decision to make. I decided to stop feeling disappointed about my lost sun and embrace the storm!
So naturally beautiful.
Those freckles <3
The sun tried so hard to come back to me!
Her red hair is just gorgeous <3
Its time to embrace the storm clouds!
Eyes <3
As the storm rolled in and the wind picked up I got inspired…
They may not be my “tipical” editing style but sometimes you just have to go with it!
I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!
My packages offer digital images as well as print products.
I specialize in Family, Children and Newborn Photography with a lifestyle focus.
To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email
(jenniMphotography@gmail.com) I would love to hear from you :-)
There is a reason I love photographing families with young children. Children let you know exactly how they feel and it is pretty obvious when they feel comfortable and happy. It took a bit for them to warm up (like most kids do) but this was one of those beautiful times that I got to just sit back and document a couple of great parents love on their kids. The images speak for themselves. Three beautifully happy and cherished kids and a family that is completely in love with each other <3
His right eye closes just a little bit more than his left when he smiles. ADORABLE!
A little shy
Tickles with Daddy
She has the most gorgeous eyes!
This boy sure loves his Mommy
Just the boys!!!
These kids were so good!
Joy <3
Those eyes <3
A few whispers of baby still remain. Those dimpled knuckles get me every time.
Those curls <3
Strawberry blond and simply perfect.
Ring Around the Rosie is one of their favorites.
I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!
My packages offer digital images as well as print products.
I specialize in Family, Children and Newborn Photography with a lifestyle focus.
To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email
(jenniMphotography@gmail.com) I would love to hear from you :-)
This is Austin. You may remember him from his Newborn Session about 6 months ago. I absolutely LOVE it when parents decide to use my Grow With Me packages! Seeing how babies change and grow is so much fun. Austin is the 3rd boy in this family of 5 and he has some pretty awesome big brothers to teach him all of the important things about growing up! Their Grow With Me package included a family session as well because having photos of just the kids is great, but having them where everyone is together is even better. :-)
So stinking precious!!! <3
I love the way kids eyes light up. It’s only a flash, here and there, and I have to be quick to get it but when I do…
This is what I call a “Mama shot” because this is the way he looks at his Mama every day. <3
So handsome!
Could these boys be any cuter???
Time for some exploring!
Photographing the little details of childhood always make my heart get a little bigger.
This Mama is a bit outnumbered with 4 boys and no other girls in the house ;-)
I LOVE it when parents let their kids play in the water at the end of a session!
Just having fun, playing, being kids. It is such a beautiful thing. Lifestyle photography is so beautifully simple and authentic.
I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!
My packages offer digital images as well as print products.
I specialize in Family, Children and Newborn Photography with a lifestyle focus.
To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email
(jenniMphotography@gmail.com) I would love to hear from you :-)
You know that look, when someone loves so completely it spills out of their eyes? This little girl not only has 2 parents that feel that way about her but she also has the precious gift of her grandma as well. This family is over the moon for this little girl and every moment of it shows when I look at these images. I was talking with a friend the other day and where she loves having only 1 person in the frame I feel exactly the opposite! I LOVE the connection that I can capture when there is more than 1 person, I love photos where they are engaging with each other instead of looking at the camera, I love freezing moments in time to remember for always!
The Burks have been with me from the very beginning. If you want a cool before and after check out their first family photography session. ;-) It is amazing how time changes things. I just want to thank them so much for sticking with me through all of my learning curves and just trusting me with whatever hair brained idea I suggest next! Having people in my corner is something I value and I just wanted to say THANK YOU <3
I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!
My packages offer digital images as well as print products.
I specialize in Family, Children and Infant Photography with a lifestyle twist.
To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email
(jenniMphotography@gmail.com) I would love to hear from you :-)
I love photographing beautiful families! I come from a large family and so does my husband so I get kind of excited when someone tells me they want me to take photos of their family with lots of kids. There is something that is just fun about the sibling interaction and the family dynamics. Even more fun, having a wide gap, this little girl looks at her big sister with stars in her eyes. I love seeing all of it, even more, I love making it tangible <3
I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!
My packages offer digital images as well as print products.
I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography.
To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email
(jenniMphotography@gmail.com) I would love to hear from you :-)
Meet the Scotts. This family is special because they are family, my family. Jeanne is my cousin but I haven’t seen her since the last time I visited California (about 16 years ago!). Recently, they moved to a state that was a little closer to me and I finally successfully bribed them to come see me! We were planning on an “outdoor session” but that was before we realized the high for the day would be 39 degrees. Yikes!!! We moved the majority of the shoot indoors and decided to do a “quick” few shots during the sunset light. Other than loosing a shoe (if you are at Huntsville Library and you find a pink shoe let me know! lol) everything went off without a hitch!
Did you know you get a FREE large print (up to 20×24) with all of my full sessions? I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!
I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography but I would also love to help you capture your Maternity, Senior and Couples memories as well.
To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email (jenniMphotography@gmail.com)! I would love to hear from you :-)
Ever since our 4th child was born in August it seems that life has just never gotten back “under control”. We had a newborn, my husband began his fall semester, we started our home school year, the fall busy season for JMP started up and now the holidays… I am exhausted, grouchy and typically just trying to play catch up most of the time now. This is so foreign to me… I know I am doing a LOT… It just feels like the crazy is creeping in to my life. lol
There have been more days than I care to admit that I just want to bury my head under a pillow to just drown out the noise. To block out the constant chatter of a 4 year old, to not hear the fighting, or even the squealing of a good time, to not hear my 4 month old cry any more during one of her fussy days… I love them more than my own life, more than anything on this earth but sometimes my ears are just tired.
Sometimes I lay in bed at night, looking at Pinterest, playing candy crush or just browsing for my next idea and I can’t keep my eyes open. I forge ahead and force my eyelids open for just a few more minutes only because I know as soon as I fall asleep the quiet will be gone. The next conscious moment will be filled with a baby wanting to eat or a child with a bad dream or a “morning mommy” and the chatter will begin again… Just a few more minutes… Sometimes I feel like I wait all day for those few quiet moments…
This morning I woke up early, not for any specific reason except I needed to get some things done in the quiet. I have been wanting to take some photos of them sleeping but have just never followed through… I am so glad I did <3 These little people are such a precious gift and this is just a season. The images remind me that I need to soak in their littleness, it wont be around for long. Even as I type this I have my baby in my lap and has fallen asleep to the clicking of the keyboard. They grow up so fast. In the mean time, when I am overwhelmed and my ears are tired I need to choose my moments, the quiet moments, and rest in the knowledge that God has made me to be enough. Even though I may not think the strokes of daily life are beautiful by themselves right now, our life IS beautiful and I need to remember that and change my perspective a bit…
This session has been in the works for almost a year now. LeAnn mentioned it to me a LONG time ago and we both were in love with the idea but it just wasn’t the right time until now!
What is a snuggle session?
About 30 min before I arrived LeAnn moved all the kids in to one bed and told them to go back to sleep. That is where I found them when I arrived at 7am. I don’t know about you but I LOVE taking pictures of my kids sleeping. They look so much older when they are awake, but when they sleep they are still little <3
On the list of “shots to get” were: sleeping, morning snuggles, feet, blanket hugs, reading, jumping on the bed, pillow fight and hot chocolate. It was such a fun time for the kids as well as me. You should have seen their faces light up when we announced the “next thing” each time. Priceless <3
These are only a smattering of my favorites but I think they will give you a good idea of what a lifestyle photography session with Jenni M Photography can look like :-)
Did you know you get a FREE large print (up to 20×24) with all of my full sessions? I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!
I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography but I would also love to help you capture your Maternity, Senior and Couples memories as well.
To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email (jenniMphotography@gmail.com)! I would love to hear from you :-)
There is something about a mother and daughter that is just pure sweetness. I had such a wonderful time with these two and was blown away by how genuine and loving Lilly was to her Mom. In some of the images it is just SO obvious how much she loves and cares for her! I pray my daughters look at me that way when they are her age <3 Oh, have I mentioned how much I love freckled red heads??? Seriously in heaven <3
Did you know you get a FREE large print (up to 20×24) with all of my full sessions? I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!
I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography but I would also love to help you capture your Maternity, Senior and Couples memories as well.
To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email (jenniMphotography@gmail.com)! I would love to hear from you :-)