There are few things that I take as a higher compliment, then when another photographer asks me to photograph their family.
It’s not that photographers are “special” necessarily, but having someone else in the same field, that has trained their eye for editing, knows what to look for in posing, sees things that the average person doesn’t see in images, because they themselves have created/edited thousands themselves… When someone who has experience in photography, who in their own right is a fantastic photographer, asks me to document their precious moments, THAT is just special to me. <3
The beautiful Mama in these images, owns A Selah Moment here in Huntsville, and her husband just returned from a long deployment. I can’t imagine a better time to document this newly reunited family than this moment. I am so glad to have been her choice to give that to them!
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
Last week I had one of the most amazing experiences of my photography journey. I had the opportunity to attend the Follow Your Heart Workshop in West Virginia. Three days of instruction, encouragement, business guidance, inspiration and a ton of “kindred spirits” to visit with. It was amazing!
The workshop was hosted by 4 extremely talented photographers. Sarah Hill of Sarah Beth Photography, Sarah Cornish of My 4 Hens, Candice Zugich of The Blissful Maven and Spanki Mills of Spanki Mills Photography. They all have their unique styles in their own right while having a common thread of shooting intentionally to display emotion and connection.
The first day we took some time to get to know each other, talked about logistics, methods and then got right to work! Spanki had the most gorgeous Mom come to model for us with her 3 kiddos!
In the afternoon we talked about lots more but we also tried our hand at non traditional head shots. Sarah Hill gave us a ton of pointers and I seriously love everything about these!
This is Heather (my travel mate) who runs Heartstrings Photography here in Huntsville. <3
It had been raining pretty much all day but the clouds gave us a VERY short intermission (about 20 minutes) for the Sarah H and Sarah C show us how they shoot family sessions. We had a beautiful family on the gorgeous rolling farm that surrounded the house and were even gifted a rainbow before the clouds opened up and POURED on us!!!
Day 2 started with this adorable little tid bit. <3 It took her a little bit to warm up to all of us (23 of us to be exact) but once she did, oh goodness. Did I mention how adorable she is??? Gary gets most of the credit in changing her outlook though. There is something about a bright yellow baby goose that is foolproof when trying to get kids to be happy. ;-)
Candice, one of the teachers, volunteered that afternoon to let us practice on her. These images are just so intimate and beautiful. I can’t help but want to do some Mommy and Me sessions in the near future. There is just something about the connection between a mother and her children that will always tug at my heart.
Our model family from day 1 agreed to come back for day 2! (we were all praying it wouldn’t rain on them. (AGAIN) The sun even came out for a bit and with it came a little bit of magic if I do say so myself. <3
We all met up for breakfast the following morning, took a lot of selfies, gave a lot of hugs, traded a lot of social media info and promised to stay in touch.
It was the first time I had been away from my 4 kids for more than a night and even then I have always only been an hour or so away… I couldn’t wait to get home and squeeze them, but I was genuinely sorry to leave.
One of the perks of being a photographer is a completely flexible schedule. It is what makes it possible for me to be a stay at home mom, home school my kids, run a photography business and not be a complete mess (most of the time). I can do the majority of my business through email, online or over the phone and schedule my shoots for the evenings and weekends when my husband is home. It works beautifully and I love it! However, it can get a bit lonely though… Having the fellowship of like minded photographers in such a rich learning environment was so refreshing.
I am so excited for what the future holds and can’t wait to see what it looks like through my lens.
Huntsville & Madison Family Children Lifestyle Photographer Jenni M Photography – Baby Jane
These two. <3 Seriously love them both! This is my sister in law and my sweet new niece. My brother is deployed overseas right now so these two came to Alabama to visit. It’s the first time we got to meet Jane and she is just as sweet as can be! My kids absolutely fell in love with her and I can’t help but be excited for when they meet their new sister in June. I am going to have to keep a really close eye on our new one… They might just smother her with toys and kisses. lol
Welcome to the family sweet Jane. As you grow, you will find that we are BIG (there are lots and lots of us), and loud, and crazy, and opinionated but we love you like crazy and you are stuck with us for life. ;-)
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
I have never done a sister session before… After this, I want ALL THE SISTERS!!! After chatting a bit I found out this was actually going to be a senior session/sister session. This gorgeous girl is graduating and she wanted to include her sisters in her photo shoot.
So here are the images that resulted from an amazing evening with 3 amazing sisters and their mom. <3 I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoyed taking them!
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
When I got the email from this sweet mama saying that she wanted to schedule another session with me I got super excited! Last time we took photos together it ended up being one of my favorite sessions of the year, so I was not only excited to spend more time with this fantastic family, but also looking forward to seeing what we came up with this time around! I had so much fun taking these images. It always takes a little bit for kids to warm up but once they did, every ounce of their being is genuine. You won’t find any fake smiles here. <3
These boys have grown up so much over the past year! This time of life goes by so fast and I am always honored to have past clients return to me. It’s the best complement I can get!
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
Big families are my jam! I grew up in a large family (6 kids) and I have a big family (about to be 5 kids). As much as I crave a little silence and sometimes I go to bed and feel like my ears hurt from all of the lack of quiet throughout the day, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. There is a beautiful chaos that is forged in a home with all that never ending “noise”. Even when I don’t think I can handle another minute, it doesn’t take long for me to start thinking forward to the day when my house will be quiet and clean and I will wish my ears were tired.
So often, I am so busy being with and taking care of my kids I can’t climb out from under the pile of them wanting to “sit wif you” let alone have two hands to grab my camera. I know I am not alone… It’s why I love documenting these moments for others.
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found in your own relationships while incorporating the imagination in the every day magical moments.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
So often throughout the busier times of the year I don’t have time to THINK let alone go through the process of submitting my photos to any competitions or publications. Because I am so horribly neglectful during the busier months I try to make it a point to do so in the slower months. This is the first year I submitted to the Shoot & Share Photography Competition and I am super pleased with how these images placed!
A few stats about the competition: (because I am a nerd that way. lol)
- There were over 330,000 photos submitted
- Over 150,000 contributing artists
- 60,000,000 contest votes
- 159 countries were represented
I had NO idea what to expect and where I would rank on the international scale of so many talented photographers. I was a bit intimidated but I figured if I didn’t place at all I would just be quiet about it and not let anyone know I submitted anything in the first place. (just being honest. lol)
Out of 50 images that I submitted, I am excited to say that THIRTY of them won a badge!!! :-D
On to the RESULTS!!!
I had 3 images make it to the finalist round! This required that the images receive enough votes to make it to the top 3.5% of all the other images submitted. After the official results were released I found that these actually were closer to the top 1%. (YAY! Even better!!!)
Ranking: 260/22,299 (Families) 1.16%
Ranking: 340/23,969 (Children) 1.41%
Ranking: 302/20,266 (Senior) 1.49%
Ranking: 840/22,299 (Families) 3.7%
Ranking: 1,288/22,299 (Families) 5.7%
Ranking: 1,450/22,299 (Families) 6.5%
Ranking: 1,689/22,299 (Families) 7.5%
Ranking: 1,847/22,299 (Families) 8.2%
Ranking: 2,824/32,282 (Couples) 8.7%
Ranking: 2,178/23,969 (Children) 9%
Ranking: 2051/22,299 (Families) 9.1%
Ranking: 2,705/23,969 (Children) 11.2%
Ranking: 2,626/22,299 (Families) 11.7%
Ranking: 2,945/23,969 (Children) 12.2%
Ranking: 3,604/23,969 (Children) 15%
Ranking: 3,805/23,969 (Children) 15.8%
Ranking: 4,067/23,969 (Children) 16.9%
Ranking: 4,056/23,969 (Children) 16.9%
Ranking: 4,556/23,969 (Children) 19%
Ranking: 4,374/22,299 (Families) 19.6%
Ranking: 2,757/13,834 (Just the Bride) 19.9%
Ranking: 870/4,317 (That Just Happened) 20.1%
Ranking: 4,900/22,299 (Families) 21.9%
Ranking: 5,406/23,969 (Children) 22.5%
Ranking: 7,406/32,282 (Couples) 22.9%
Ranking: 5,887/23,969 (Children) 24.5%
Ranking: 5,896/23,969 (Children) 24.5%
Ranking: 6,191/23,969 (Children) 25.8%
Ranking: 6,232/23,969 (Children) 26%
Ranking: 5,727/20,266 (Seniors) 28.2%
So there you have it! Out of 50 images that I submitted, 30 of them ended up with a badge ranking them in the top 30% or above. I could have never dreamed I would do so well when competing on an international scale!!! I can’t wait to see what amazing images are around the corner this year. I have already collected a few images for next years submissions. ;-)
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found in your own relationships and imagination.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
Do you remember that magical time of life when you jumped on the bed, squealed with joy, played dress up and cuddles with mom made the whole world right again? When I read through the questionnaire I sent out to this family and they wanted to recreate those moments I could hardly contain my excitement! I could go on about what a wonderful time we had and such but I’ll just let the photos speak for themselves. <3
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found in your own relationships and imagination.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
First babies are SO special.
To love someone so completely and so unconditionally is a miracle by itself. One tiny, little, completely dependent human can transform us from “regular people” in to a mother and father. It sounds so simple, except there is nothing simple about being a parent. It has a way of pulling every shred of selfishness out of you and turning it in to unconditional love. It then takes that love and turns everyday moments in to memories that are covered in pixie dust. My husband and I often said to one another after our first was born (when realizing that we had lost track of time, yet again, watching our new little one discover something new) “What did we fill our time with before having a child?” The memories are simply filled with magic.
Becoming a parent is transformational. It changes your mind and your heart. It is such a special time of life and I feel so full of gratitude to have others invite me in to their “right now” leading up to that gorgeous and special time when they get to meet the little one that will change their lives (and hearts) forever. <3
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found in your own relationships and imagination.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
I also accept a limited number of Weddings each year.
You can find my collection details HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
A little ones first birthday is such a special occasion! Learning how to walk opens up a whole new world of exploration and discovery. I get so sentimental about this amazing time of life because it is gone in an instant. So quickly, the total dependence fades and the determined independence takes it’s place. The baby still remains for a while though and I specifically wanted these photos to reflect those little moments that a Mamas heart holds forever. <3
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found in your own relationships and imagination.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
I also accept a limited number of Weddings each year.
You can find my collection details HERE.