
Huntsville & Madison AL – Family, Children, Newborn, Maternity Photographer – Jones

You have heard me go on and on about “when they grow up”…  About how important photos are because some day they will grow wings and fly.  This family hasn’t all been in the same place together since 2002!!!

Well…  This group of amazing humans haven’t all been together since 2012!  Her babies have all grown up and are exploring their own great adventures, so when the stars aligned and she realized they would all be in the same place at the same time, she immediately started researching photographers so she could get some family photos taken.  After getting off of the phone, it was all I could do to not smile.  Her greatest wish would be happening, and I was going to get to take photos of her joy.  All of her favorite people would be in one place at the same time.  I was excited!

When they pulled up, and they started chatting, I couldn’t help but relax and enjoy the time.  They love to laugh and it was quite evident that they simply enjoy being around each other.

Thank you Kimi for choosing me to help you remember such a special time.  I hope you love these images as much as I do. <3

Pricing questions?  Check out my packages! –> Packages

To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email
I would love to hear from you!

I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist.

I love this approach as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections

while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.

Huntsville & Madison AL – Family, Children, Newborn, Maternity Photographer – Grant

Aren’t they the CUTEST family?!?!?!  I had the beautiful experience of taking their family portraits when their oldest was about a year old. (check out their first photo shoot here <3 )  I love watching families grow.  To see the young ones get bigger and to see how their love grows as more babies are added to their lives is an amazing privileged.

The older my own children get, the more I realize I forget so many of the little things.  My husband will say “remember when…” and the memory will come flooding back, immediately followed with a moment of regret/guilt that I had forgotten in the first place. It’s important to take time to document your moments.  The value of these photos aren’t that they are a visual representation of what they looked like, but that these images will be a visual gateway to all of the amazing memories from this time in their life.  THAT is why it’s so important.  THAT is why they are so valuable.  THAT is why I love photography so much.

We had a gorgeous evening on Five Oaks Farm as a backdrop.  I love having the whole property to ourselves so everyone can just relax, run, play and explore without any fear or concern of strangers.  The space and diversity of the different spaces to choose from is luxurious for me as a photographer. ;-)

His “head hug” is seriously the sweetest thing ever.  All of my kids have done this to their younger siblings at one time or another and I just can’t help but get sentimental when I see it.  These details that bring back the sweet memories are honestly why I started pursuing photography to begin with.  I don’t ever want to forget, and I don’t want you to either. <3


Pricing questions?  Check out my packages! –> Packages

To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email
I would love to hear from you!

I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist.

I love this approach as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections

while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.

Huntsville & Madison AL – Family, Children, Newborn, Maternity Photographer – Simms

This sweet family has been special from the very start.  They invited me in to their home when their little boy was born, and even allowed me to bring along another photographer with who I was mentoring at the time. (You can check out my mentoring packages <– by clicking right there if you like.)  They wowed me with the most gorgeous little boy nursery I have ever seen. (click here to see their In Home Newborn Session)

Fast forward to their milestone session…  Can I just say, the people who say “I trust you” and let me do what I want are just amazing!!! lol.  So I did, and I fell in love with their sweet family even more. (If you want to take a peek at MAGIC go ahead and click here to see their Outdoor Baby Milestone Session)  We planned everything down to the last detail.  The baby basket, her dress (it’s in the JMP client closet by the way ;-) The wild flowers…  Everything!

Speaking of my client closet.  Isn’t this dress just gorgeous!!!  Yup, you guessed it.  It is now available for loan to all of my clients, tucked safely away, just waiting to be borrowed and photographed. <3

Now this…

I don’t know how much more gorgeousness I can handle.  Seriously.  I have gotten to document these beautiful humans since the beginning of their great adventure of parenting.  They simply can’t contain their JOY that this little boy gives them.  All of the giggles and snuggles make me grin every time I look at these.

Spring time is just about my absolute favorite on 5 Oaks Farm.  There is so much life and light and green everywhere I look.  The more we work on the property, the better it gets!  It’s my favorite place to shoot.  There is something about not having strangers around, walking past, looking at what we are doing that makes the experience so much MORE!  I get to help families create real memories.  All the while, I have a camera in my hand capturing all of it.

It is simply my favorite. <3

I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist.  I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.

Pricing questions?  Check out my packages! –> Packages

To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email
I would love to hear from you!

2018 Shoot & Share Competition

So…  The voting has started for the 2019 Shoot & Share Competition, and I am just NOW getting around to blogging how I did LAST year. lol.

I know…  I am SO behind.  It’s comical really.  But things that aren’t needed for survival often get pushed down the priority list.  I have just accepted it. ;-)


I need to document this journey, because something amazing happened last year!

Because in this international competition, where 412,379 images were submitted, I ended up in the top 100 family photographers AND in the top 100 for children’s photography as well!!!

I was seriously freaking out when I found out!!!

So here goes.  I submitted 50 images, and out of those 50, 35 made it in the top 30% or above!!! <3


Top 30% Images

Maternity 4354/18185, 23.9%


Teens 6013/29460, 20.4%


Family 6667/26963, 24.7%


Newborn 6763/29560, 22.8%


Kids 7674/35570, 21.5%


Family 7939/26963, 29/4%


TOP 20%

 Documentary 1995/19330, 10.3%


Maternity 3029/18185, 16.6%


Kids 4089/35570, 11.4%


Kids 4261/35570, 11.9%


Kids 4393/35570, 12.3%


Kids 4940/35570, 13.8%


TOP 10%

Family 531/26963, 1.9%


Family 624/26963, 2.3%


Landscape 881/16373, 5.3%


Family 751/26963, 2.7%


Babies and Toddlers 918/35570, 2.5%


Kids 1073/35570, 3.0%


Animals 1389/14426, 9.6%


Couples 1338/37145, 3.6%


Kids 1495/35570, 42%


Kids 1712/35570, 4.8%


Families 1732/26963, 6.4%


Kids 1826/35570, 5.1%


Families 1851/26963, 6.8%


Families 2566/26963, 9.5%


Kids 2906/35570, 8.1%

TOP 500

Family 182/26963, 0.6%


Family 128/26963, 0.4%


Documentary 387/19330, 2.0%


Kids 320/35570, 0.8%


Maternity 477/18185, 2.6%


Family 40/26,963, 0.1%


Kids 48/35,570, 0.1%


Kids 99/35,570, 0.2%

In the end I had 3 images make it in the top 100 in their categories and 2 of those were in the top 0.1% of images submitted.

I can’t wait to see how I do this year!!!



Huntsville & Madison Family Children Newborn Lifestyle Photographer Jenni M Photography – Holl

As I talked with Starla, leading up to her session, we ended up connecting on so many levels!  First off, she is a photographer herself. (I always consider it an extra special compliment when others in my field, ask me to document their moments for them. <3 ) We eventually got a bit more “deep” and she shared with me how hard and full of personal loss these past 2 years has been, but also, the beautiful hope this new little soul has brought to her family.  As I listened, I felt myself put a bit of “extra” pressure on myself to make these images for this sweet family amazing.

The longer I do this, the more I realize how important it really is.  I don’t ever want to produce “photos”.  I want more.  I want to use this artistic medium to not only document, but ultimately REMEMBER.  When I shoot my own family, I do it because I want to have the certainty that I will never forget.  I want to craft the images in such a way that the sight of one will bring memories right back to the moment and time that it was taken.  To remember every single detail.

In the end, that is my “why” for pursuing photography.  To simply have the certainty that I will never forget.

And that is my commitment to every single person that comes in front of my lens.  To give them images that will help them remember the beautiful reality of their right now.  Forever.

I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist.  I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.

Pricing questions?  Check out my packages! –> Packages

To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email
I would love to hear from you!

Huntsville & Madison Family Children Newborn Lifestyle Photographer Jenni M Photography – Lockliar

It is such a wonderful privilege to get to photograph a good friend!  Melody and I have been friends for almost 3 years now.  She is also a small business owner, designing small batch boutique clothing for children.  She home schools her kids! (Between the small businesses, kids, cute clothing and home schooling we have a good bit to talk about. lol)

We met in Hobby Lobby, started chatting, exchanged business cards, (she needed photos and I love cute kids clothing) and the rest has been such a fun experience of making a good friend.

My jaw just about hit the floor when she told me they have never had professional family photos taken…  I mean, I have taken lots of photos of her girls and son (we use our own kids for clothing models A LOT) but never all together. We had so much fun and I am so thankful they chose me. <3

I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist.  I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.

Pricing questions?  Check out my packages! –> Packages

To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email
I would love to hear from you!

Huntsville & Madison Family Children Newborn Lifestyle Photographer Jenni M Photography – Chavez

Wana know what my FAVORITE part of my job is?  Getting to see those intimate gorgeous “real” moments in the “in between”.  Sure!  I do an awful lot of directing, prompting, suggesting, and I have been know to reach out and move someones head a bit with my hands to get it in the perfect spot. lol. but all of that is just leading up to the beauty.  The beauty is 100% not under my control.  The moments are 100% a reflection of something that is already there.  Unconditional love.

It’s breathtaking.

I never get tired of it…  After almost 5 years of photographing families and processing thousands of images, it is still my absolute favorite part.  Getting to see the kids light up when they look at their parents, and watching mom and dad’s hearts melt as they respond to the adoration their kids are lavishing on them.

It’s priceless.

This little guy just turned 1!  His mama wanted to document these moments to celebrate him and his world.  I honestly can’t imagine a better gift.  He won’t remember the party or the gifts, but these will be his memories that he gets to look back on.  Ones of family snuggles, daddy hugs, mommy kisses and a big brother that absolutely adores him.

It’s important.

I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist.  I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.

Pricing questions?  Check out my packages! –> Packages

To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email
I would love to hear from you!

Huntsville & Madison Family Children Newborn Lifestyle Photographer Jenni M Photography – Webb

I have known this family for a good bit now, and had the pleasure of photographing Deb’s 2 girls and their families.  After 2 years, they have added even MORE adorable grand babies.  Deb recently realized how long it had been since their last family portrait, so she called me, and we set a date!

I absolutely love getting to see the same families over and over again.  I love watching them grow and change over time.  As the kids got out of the car, I could hear them yelling “Their here! Their here!!!” and the moment they were allowed, the cousins ran towards each other with hugs.  I couldn’t help but smile.  This family loves so well, and it is such a pleasure to make that love tangible for them.

I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist.  I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.

Pricing questions?  Check out my packages! –> Packages

To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email
I would love to hear from you!

Huntsville & Madison Family Children Newborn Lifestyle Photographer Jenni M Photography – Simms

Soooooo many things to say.  Sooooo many photos.  Sooooo much love.

Where do I even start?

I have had these images in my head for SOOOOO long!  FINALLY the stars aligned and I can’t help but be over the moon for how they turned out.  I love newborn and baby photography, but I also freaking love natural environments in the light of sunset.  It’s just magical.  For a year now, I have been dreaming up how I could photograph newborns and babies outside, but I knew I needed to do it in my way.  I knew I needed to fill it with connection, and movement and emotion.  I knew I needed to create something I had never seen before outside of my imagination.

When I was talking to Tori about styling this session, I think it went something like “So I will have a basket for your baby, and have you in a yellow dress with a really full skirt and then I will plop you in the middle of a field with tall grass and wild flowers!”.  Thank goodness she said “Sounds good. I trust you.” Haha!

But seriously.  I don’t know how I could love these any more…  So I beg you.  If you have a baby (Newborn all the way up to “not quite sitting up yet” age) and you want images like these, CALL ME!!!  Lets make some magic in the golden light of sunset. <3

I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist.  I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.

Pricing questions?  Check out my packages! –> Packages

To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email
I would love to hear from you!

Huntsville & Madison Family Children Newborn Maternity Photographer Jenni M Photography – 3 Generations

It isn’t often that I get to include Grandma and Grandpa in a family shoot, but this sweet Mama really wanted to get some generational photos of the 4 most important men in her life.

I can’t help but feel incredibly sentimental when I look at these.  I have quite a few cell phone shots of my kids interacting with their grandparents, but these photos made me pause.  I think I may need to make time to document the generations for my own family.  We currently live close to grandparents, and great grandparents so other than needing to “make time” for it, I really have no other excuse.

Lets be honest, getting ready for photos isn’t something that ANYONE looks forward to. (myself included)  I mean, I personally have to find 7 different outfits that coordinate together, do 2 girls hair, make sure everyone is wearing matching socks (yes, that is a thing in my house) and get myself put together. (which is a whole other thing since I typically don’t “do” my hair) lol.

But these…  documenting your visual history… it’s so worth it. <3

I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist.  I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.

For more information about my packages click HERE.

To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email
I would love to hear from you!