There is something simply beautiful about those first few moments in the hospital after a baby has been born. They are precious and I have been wanting to do a session like this for a LONG time!!! I did Jenny’s maternity photos not long ago and now I want to introduce you to Violet. She is brand new and only 11 Hours old! Congratulations Jenny and Brian! She is beautiful!!!
He has been so much more expressive this month. He is using his voice a lot more and when he is happy he just bounces, hands and feet dancing :-) His personality is showing more and more and I am loving getting to know him better! He is desperately trying to figure out the crawling thing. I have a feeling by next month he will have it figured out. Unfortunately I think that will make my life a lot more complicated ;-)
I love how these turned out. It was the first shoot I did with him outside and he absolutely loved it! (although due to the teething he isn’t super smiley these days) We have LOTS of clover around here and it doesn’t take long for the little clover flowers to pop up all over your lawn. (I don’t mind though because I think they are pretty :-) )
How is it possible that six whole months have passed since he was born! With every child I have it seems like it goes even faster… I wish I could bottle up his littleness and keep it forever!!!
I am LOVING his red hair :-) Someone pointed out this past weekend that with a blonde, brown and now red I have a batch of Neapolitan going on in our gene pool! I hope it stays this color as He gets older :-)
This month was kind of hard. He has been teething and unfortunately he spent almost a week with a fever and He was obviously uncomfortable for much longer than that. In the midst of all of his fussiness I finally was able to catch a happy morning and grab these images. He is proudly showing off his FIRST tooth that he worked so hard to cut.
I know I am a bit late this month but we had family visiting from Alaska. When you only get to see your family 1-2 times a year our world tends to stop spinning while they are around :-). This was the first time that my in-laws got to see Noah. My mom came down right after he was born so all that is left is my dad. He is planning on making the trip sometime next month!
Since last month Noah has learned to sit up by himself and he discovered his feet! I also can see some teeth outlines on his bottom gums. I think this month might be the last time I get to capture his gummy smile :-). He is growing up… Sometimes it makes me sad, but it is so much fun watching him discover and learn new things. The lighting wasn’t perfect, but life isn’t perfect and I love that I have this moment in print. I want to always remember how sweet this time in his life was <3
Kate was just a few days shy of 2 months old the day we did the photo shoot. I have seen her since then and it seems like she has already changed! It reminds me of how quickly time goes by when they are little. I knew I would like baby photography, but I underestimated how much I would LOVE it!!! Baby Kate was so sweet, and simply perfect <3 I can’t wait to watch her grow!!!
I worked with an Etsy vendor, Sara Grace Accessories and she provided all of the headbands for Kate. She has some gorgeous accessories on her site!
Most babies are born with grey eyes and until they are around 3 months old you don’t really see much color. I wrapped him up in his blue blanket yesterday and I was struck by how blue his eyes are getting! I decided right then that his beautiful eyes were what I wanted to focus on for this shoot. :-)
My little boy blue :-)