Welcoming a new baby in to the family is full of transition and growth. Sometimes it can be “uncomfortable”, but it is a time so full of precious moments and blessings that should not be taken for granted. Five times we have welcomed a unique and special new little soul in to the world. I know personally what joy they bring and how much their older siblings gain from their addition.
Looking through these photos makes my heart beat a little faster for them. This little girl is going to be such a fantastic big sister, and I know firsthand the joy that is around the corner for these sweet parents, as they see their girls bond and grow up together.
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
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I don’t often do cake smashes, but this was so much fun! As she sat there, she kept looking at the cake and barely wanting to touch it. Her sister, was eager to show her what she was missing out on though. As soon as her big sis sat down next to her, she just lit up, and they had so much fun feeding the frosting to each other. <3
I have had the wonderful experience of seeing her grow this past year. We have done a photo session about every 3 months and it’s been so special to document these “little” moments. I know all too well how quickly the first year passes. I can’t imagine a better way to celebrate her first birthday than with photos that have all of her favorite people in the world in them.
Click to see her Newborn Photos and Sitter Session
Happy Birthday!!!
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
Our Moments In June
Holy chicken!!! I can’t believe how many pictures I took this month! It’s a good thing I started editing them early…
What would the 4th of July be without sparklers and fireworks?!?
I hear “Can I hold the baby?” about a million times a day and it seems like we are all a little extra tired lately. lol
She has changed our world and we are all so much better for it. <3
Dress up
We found a blue hat at Unclaimed Baggage that he absolutely fell in love with!
Madie had her newborn photos taken with Heartstrings by Heather. Heather is a wonderful photographer and seriously amazing at styling! I can’t wait to see how they turn out. I got to take a few behind the seines shots for Heather while she worked.
3 week check up! I am wondering if the scale was off… lol. She was only 7lb 1oz when she was born. I am having a hard time believing she gained a whole 1lb 10 oz in just 3 weeks!
My Aunt Patti came down from Indiana to visit! While she was here she cooked for us (many times), cleaned my house, painted both of the kids rooms, watched the kids so I could go run errands and gave us some great tips on how to improve our bowling score! Can’t wait to see here again in September!!!
I couldn’t help it! I decided to take a few newborn images of my own. <3
I don’t know how she didn’t wake up with 4 wiggly kids touching her at the same time, but I seriously love how it turned out. So much sentimentality in one image!
I may need to take a shot like this every month. The couch cushions would be a great way to show her growth!
Emma decided Madie needed someone to snuggle with. She told me that she loves her baby doll and wanted Madie to play with her. lol
She was just standing there in her cute “twirly dress” and the wind was blowing in her Xtrutuf boots… I absolutely love going out to the land. So many beautiful moments while we work on our dreams.
Many of the images I took this month were taken on my new Fuji x100f. I purchased it primarily for my personal photos but after taking these with an underwater housing I am seriously considering using it to offer pool sessions next year! I seriously LOVE it! I have always struggled with needing an extra bag and an extra hand for my D750. The Fuji has enabled me to capture personal moments that would have just gone undocumented. It’s small enough to go with me EVERYWHERE (including the pool!) and that is exactly what I needed.
I think I may need another external hard drive if I keep taking pictures the way I have been this past month! lol
But seriously, I am so pleased with my Fuji x100f. It’s small enough to bring it everywhere with me and I can hold it with one hand! (a must if you have 5 kids) I have been able to capture so many more moments than I would have with my Nikon. It’s seriously a game changer as I pursue documenting my own family. <3
Wow! I knew this past month felt busy, but as I went through all the photos I was surprised at how many I had. I am really enjoying my renewed commitment to our own family photography. I am having a hard time remembering to bring along my camera, and now with a newborn, I won’t have 2 hands to take photos with. I have been eyeing the Fuji X100F. I finally pulled the trigger and ordered it yesterday. I am hoping it will give me the ability to continue documenting our moments with one hand on the go! lol
This past month Michael was mowing the back yard and saw this little bunny. It didn’t even move when he walked over to pick it up. The kids all got to hold it before we let it go through the hole under the fence. <3 Emma cried when he let it go though. She told her daddy later “I wanted to keep the baby bunny forever.”
I have been adding items to my client closet quite a bit lately… Lots of mama dresses, but I am also trying to have a good selection of children’s accessories and outfits as well. The hat and suspenders are from Roman & Leo and the adorable outfits my daughter is in, are from a local boutique designer, Petticoat Patch. I absolutely love it when I get to use my own kids as models. It gives me an excuse to get some “professional photos” of them. I honestly have so many ideas that I want to do with my kids but finding the time to pull it off doesn’t often happen.
The truck they are sitting on was my husbands Grandpas. My husband is planning on restoring it with our boys as they grow. Until then it makes the perfect classic “Southern Summer” prop as they ate their fresh peaches.
More pics of different dresses available in the JMP client closet. <3
I read somewhere that “Children don’t truly own anything, so when they give you a gift, even if it is just a rock, they are giving you everything they have.” As soon as I processed it, I realized how true and meaningful that bit of wisdom was.
He gathers treasures for me everywhere he goes. I have a special little pile of dried flowers, rocks and little trinkets he has found for me over time sitting next to my computer. <3
This past month we celebrated my husbands Grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. A good chunk of his family came to town and we had a great time visiting and catching up. We both come from large families so when we all get together it makes quite a large group!
It was also the weekend of Fathers Day. After taking photos for the “big group”, my 4 year old Noah (who idolizes his daddy and after we gave him his new shirt ran in to his bedroom and changed his to “match”) asked me to take a picture of him and dad together.
The biggest thing that happened this past month was that we were blessed to welcome Madison Joy in to our family. Born June 30th at 3:15pm, 7lb 1oz, 19in long. Long story short, she is completely perfect in every way and we are head over heals in love with her.
I am already looking forward to going through all of the photos of our kids getting to know their little sister for next months post (and experimenting with my new camera!). <3
I have 5 children of my own and I can’t even tell you how much I cherish those brand new moments after bringing a new little one home. Everything is fresh and new. There is so much to learn, so much to absorb, and it’s all through sleep deprived eyes and emotional hearts…
It goes by so quickly!
As beautiful as it is, it’s also one of the most challenging things I have ever done. New life is complicated, and every little soul is unique, and has different needs. Being asked in to peoples homes to document these precious first moments, is such a special thing to me. <3
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
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Huntsville & Madison Family Children Lifestyle Photographer Jenni M Photography – Baby Jane
These two. <3 Seriously love them both! This is my sister in law and my sweet new niece. My brother is deployed overseas right now so these two came to Alabama to visit. It’s the first time we got to meet Jane and she is just as sweet as can be! My kids absolutely fell in love with her and I can’t help but be excited for when they meet their new sister in June. I am going to have to keep a really close eye on our new one… They might just smother her with toys and kisses. lol
Welcome to the family sweet Jane. As you grow, you will find that we are BIG (there are lots and lots of us), and loud, and crazy, and opinionated but we love you like crazy and you are stuck with us for life. ;-)
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
First babies are SO special.
To love someone so completely and so unconditionally is a miracle by itself. One tiny, little, completely dependent human can transform us from “regular people” in to a mother and father. It sounds so simple, except there is nothing simple about being a parent. It has a way of pulling every shred of selfishness out of you and turning it in to unconditional love. It then takes that love and turns everyday moments in to memories that are covered in pixie dust. My husband and I often said to one another after our first was born (when realizing that we had lost track of time, yet again, watching our new little one discover something new) “What did we fill our time with before having a child?” The memories are simply filled with magic.
Becoming a parent is transformational. It changes your mind and your heart. It is such a special time of life and I feel so full of gratitude to have others invite me in to their “right now” leading up to that gorgeous and special time when they get to meet the little one that will change their lives (and hearts) forever. <3
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found in your own relationships and imagination.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
I also accept a limited number of Weddings each year.
You can find my collection details HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
A little ones first birthday is such a special occasion! Learning how to walk opens up a whole new world of exploration and discovery. I get so sentimental about this amazing time of life because it is gone in an instant. So quickly, the total dependence fades and the determined independence takes it’s place. The baby still remains for a while though and I specifically wanted these photos to reflect those little moments that a Mamas heart holds forever. <3
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found in your own relationships and imagination.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
I also accept a limited number of Weddings each year.
You can find my collection details HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
These two girls! Goodness <3
This was the little ones mini session but I couldn’t resist getting some sister shots. I got to know big sister when her Mama contacted me for her first birthday photo-shoot. We had a blast and she was just adorable! I was super excited to hear from them again when her baby sister was born for newborn photos. I personally take it as a huge compliment when my clients choose me over and over again. <3
She wasn’t sure about my big camera but for a mini session, we got so many super sweet shots and I can’t wait to show them all to their proud parents!
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found in your own relationships and imagination.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
I also accept a limited number of Weddings each year.
You can find my collection details HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
This little boy stole my heart in about the first 30 seconds after I met him. His mama pulled him out of the car with his little balled up fist rubbing the sleep out of his eyes but as soon as he looked at me he smiled with the sweetest little grin. <3 He continued on to be the happiest little boy finding pure delight in all of the rocks, leaves and sticks!
This family is about as sweet as could be and I am so grateful for all of the fantastic clients I have gotten to work with this year. It has been such a pleasure. Truly.
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families) with a lifestyle and fine art twist. I love this style blend as it helps me focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found in your own relationships and imagination.
For more information about my packages click HERE.
I also accept a limited number of Weddings each year.
You can find my collection details HERE.