
The Nymeyer Family

I am in LOVE with these!!!  I love how intimate and sentimental Lifestyle Photography is.  I will someday specialize in this style :-)  It makes me feel something when I look at them.  Please leave a comment and let me know what you think ;-)

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The Bahe Family

I love Kodiak.  It is where I consider myself “from” even though we didn’t move there until I was 18.  It is GORGEOUS and I am so glad I had the opportunity to do a little “work” while I was there :-)


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The Hayes Family

Oh my!!!  It was such a beautiful day and the first day of fall :-)  The weather was to die for and the location was perfect.  We caught a bit of the golden hour at the end and the boys couldn’t have been cuter!!!  I hope you love them <3

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Project 12 – Chicken Little

We got chickens!!!

Our whole family is pretty excited about them but Ethan is by far the most excited :-)  We don’t have any other pets so he thinks this is a pretty big deal!  We got 8 of them but 2 of them are little and those are his favorite :-)  We have to get on to him about carrying them around everywhere!!!


We let them free range during the day in our backyard so first he has to catch them!  He is getting pretty good at it actually :-)


“Got him!!!” (yes, he refers to all of our hens as “him”) ;-)


See mom!


He LOVES this chicken!  This is the one he carries around ALL the time…  (poor chicken)


We are still working on names…  If you have any suggestions please leave a comment!


He is a good little chicken :-)

I wonder if she will still let Ethan carry her around like this when she gets older?


After a little while her little friend came over to say hello :-)


Please leave a comment and let me know what you think :-)

Project 12: Fire

This month has been CRAZY!  We are going on vacation, the garden is producing like mad, I have been canning my brains out and Noah is teething and not very happy about it!  I originally thought this month would play out so that I could do a shoot with fire weed in Alaska (on vacation) but after taking a closer look at the calendar I realized I needed to come up with another idea…  Well, I have been wanting to work on my “low light” skills so I decided to use fire as my only source of light.  I am still trying to figure out how to not have a flair without Photoshopping it out, but I like how they developed and to see Laurens serious side is a change.  She is such a smiley expressive and entertaining little girl, I don’t get to see this side of her often. :-)

_DSC0268 as Smart Object-1I can’t decide if I like this better in color or black and white…  What do you think?

_DSC0268 as Smart Object-1bwLove her eyelashes <3

_DSC0245 as Smart Object-1“Mommy, why is fire yellow?”

_DSC0256 as Smart Object-1She is so innocent, so beautiful, so perfect.

_DSC0265 as Smart Object-1“Mommy, when can I blow it out?”

_DSC0285 as Smart Object-1It is late…  goodnight :-)

Burk Family Photos – Madison Alabama

Oh my goodness!  I absolutely loved this session :-)  It helps to have fantastic clients with the most gorgeous daughter!!!  Her eyes are simply amazing and her personality shines through.  Melissa and Randall are over the moon for her and I absolutely love being able to make intangible moments last forever!  I hope you enjoy looking at these memories as much as I enjoyed capturing them!



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Project 12: Bridges

I had a whole other idea planned for this month but I waited too long, and it has rained quite a bit, and it just didn’t happen…  This was my backup plan and I am really pleased with how it turned out!  I know they may not be “fantastic” but they are of my little boy (who wont be so little before I know it) playing with his trains and bridges.  He LOVES the bridges.  He asks if we can get more for his train set often.

_DSC0035 as Smart Object-1I love watching him play, making the sound effects, having the trains talk to each other, he creates a whole world in his imagination and I know I want to remember every detail forever. _DSC0015 as Smart Object-1 _DSC0023 as Smart Object-1_DSC0014 as Smart Object-1_DSC0012 as Smart Object-1 _DSC0011 as Smart Object-1 _DSC0010 as Smart Object-1

Six + One = Seven :-)

He has been so much more expressive this month.  He is using his voice a lot more and when he is happy he just bounces, hands and feet dancing :-)  His personality is showing more and more and I am loving getting to know him better!  He is desperately trying to figure out the crawling thing.  I have a feeling by next month he will have it figured out.  Unfortunately I think that will make my life a lot more complicated ;-)

I love how these turned out.  It was the first shoot I did with him outside and he absolutely loved it! (although due to the teething he isn’t super smiley these days)  We have LOTS of clover around here and it doesn’t take long for the little clover flowers to pop up all over your lawn. (I don’t mind though because I think they are pretty :-) )

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_DSC0344 as Smart Object-1I am absolutely LOVING golden hour!!! :-D

Project 12: Water

Every Sunday after church we drive an hour so we can spend the afternoon with my husbands Grandparents and extended family. There is just something wonderful and grounding about spending time with family on a regular basis.

Out the back door of their house there is a little passage way (I have always thought it looked like an entrance to the secret garden :-) )


Once you emerge on the other side, there is a wide open field perfect for running.


Then there is this little pond that borders pasture with horses. It is simply beautiful :-)


Leave it to a boy to find something to play in the water with!


I can still see the little boy in him, but I can see the big boy too :-). Yesterday he didn’t want to hold my hand when we walked in to the store together (he wanted to on the way out though :-) ) He is changing and growing. I know these images will be even more precious to me the older he gets…


Half a year ago…

How is it possible that six whole months have passed since he was born!  With every child I have it seems like it goes even faster…  I wish I could bottle up his littleness and keep it forever!!!

I am LOVING his red hair :-)  Someone pointed out this past weekend that with a blonde, brown and now red I have a batch of Neapolitan going on in our gene pool!  I hope it stays this color as He gets older :-)

This month was kind of hard.  He has been teething and unfortunately he spent almost a week with a fever and He was obviously uncomfortable for much longer than that.  In the midst of all of his fussiness I finally was able to catch a happy morning and grab these images.  He is proudly showing off his FIRST tooth that he worked so hard to cut.

Noah 6 monthNoah 6month