I have been slow to finally get this blog posted, but since my sweet friend had her baby boy on Saturday, I think I should go ahead and get these online before I am posting the photos of her little bundle of squish!
Melody had never had maternity photos taken before. This is her 4th and last baby, and when she asked me, I understood immediately. I went through the same exact feelings when I finally decided to have maternity photos taken with 5th. There is something horribly sentimental about knowing that it will be the last time you carry a baby inside of you. It isn’t so much that I enjoy pregnancy (completely opposite in fact) but it was “the beginning of the end”… The start of all of the “lasts”.
The last time I will be pregnant.
The last time I will nurse a child.
The last time I will be a mom of young kids.
The last time I will hold my own child for the first time.
The last time…
When I had our 5th child, I have been hyper aware at how time is slipping away and continued to count all of “the last” moments as my Madie has grown and matured.
Is there excitement for the next chapter? Yes! But that doesn’t change being sentimental and appreciative of the current chapter that is almost over. So, so very much. Amazing new things are on the horizon. <3
Pricing questions? Check out my packages! –> Packages
To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a focus on genuine moments.
I love this approach as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections
while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
Y’all. I am most definitely not an official “pet photographer”…
I am completely addicted to documenting relationships, and this right here is exactly that. <3 I get requests somewhat regularly from clients to see if it is OK to bring their pet along with them to their shoot. My answer? “If you consider them to be a part of your family, ABSOLUTELY bring them!”
I also don’t shoot family sessions the months of December and January. I do allow for time sensitive circumstances such as a newborn, maternity and end of life situations…
When Ben contacted me, he explained that Ripley didn’t have much time left and he desperately wanted to document this pup that he considers family. ” I don’t suspect he’ll be around in a few weeks as he has bad arthritis and potentially some internal issue.” It broke my heart and couldn’t imagine saying no! As I have sat here in this chair editing all of these images, I can hear Ben talking to Ripley all through the session, just like you would your best friend. What they have is something really special, and as sad as I am for their time together drawing to a close, I am so very glad that Ben realized, before it was too late, how valuable having images of those you love, truly is.
I think Ripley has a similar smile to Harrison Ford. ;-)
Pricing questions? Check out my packages! –> Packages
To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a focus on genuine moments.
I love this approach as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections
while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
I absolutely love watching families grow. I had the sweet opportunity to document the special time before their family changed forever with a family maternity session not long ago. I was overjoyed when she asked if I would do baby Mark’s newborn photos as well. <3
As I watched their oldest with “baby Mark”, he reminded me so much of my own oldest son, who was SO gentle and loving with our babies as we brought each one of them home. He would stroke his head, be concerned when he would cry, and did such a great job being careful not to bump him while we were playing on the bed.
These moments and memories are some of the most precious. As much as I try to shoot for technical “perfection” (or as close as anyone can get with kids that are always on the move), my real goal is to document and preserve those memories of the little things forever.
“Hindsight is 20/20”
Sometimes in the mess and the exhaustion of motherhood, it’s hard to see the moments for what they truly are as they are unfolding. The stress and pressure of parenthood is a very real thing. My hope for the families that I document, is that they are able to feel and remember the moments for what they truly were, without the stress and mess to cloud the view. It’s not about perfection, but instead, documenting the sweetness and simplicity that lasts for such a short time. I want the images to remind them of the beauty of “right now” every single time they see them.
I know there are wonderful parts about every stage in life, but THIS is one that I don’t ever want to forget, and I want to give that gift to other mamas as well.
Pricing questions? Check out my packages! –> Packages
To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a focus on genuine moments.
I love this approach as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections
while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
Goodness. I can’t tell you how blessed I have been when God has brought the most wonderful people across my path through photography.
This sweet couple not only has an amazing story about how they met, but they had the same dream for owning land. They now have a wonderfully large and GORGEOUS piece of property that they plan to raise their children on and protect for generations to come. Y’all, seriously, the way their eyes lit up as they told me the history of the property, their plans, and dreams of building, I couldn’t help but be overwhelmingly excited for them. Can you tell that they love animals too? They are such a big part of their story, and watching them love on their animals, finding so much joy in their presence was so sweet.
As they prepare to take the next step of growing their family through adoption, I was SO happy they asked me to document their life, right now, before it changes. I can’t wait to watch their family grow over time!!!
You won’t find a more genuine and beautiful set of humans, and I am so grateful to have met them both. <3
Pricing questions? Check out my packages! –> Packages
To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a focus on genuine moments.
I love this approach as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections
while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
I have had the pleasure of working with this sweet family once already for his mama’s maternity photos. It has been so beautiful to see two become three, and they are absolutely head over heals in love. (as they should be <3 )
This little guy showed up a bit early, so we had to shift some things around to make sure to get him documented before he grew out of his “fresh baby” stage, but OH MY GOODNESS, he was just perfection! He slept like a champ and couldn’t have been more precious.
I can’t tell you how much I love it when parents choose my grow with me plan. The experience of getting to track with a family through all the most amazing changes as their baby grows their first year, is such a special thing to be a part of. I can’t wait to watch him grow, and I can’t wait to see his parents love for him get even bigger than it already is.
In a past life, I thought I wanted to specialize in composite photography… Needless to say I ended up taking a *very* different road, but every once in a while, I look at an image and think, “That would be even more beautiful *if*…”. That was the case with this one. I don’t ever promise a composite piece, but when I get a creative itch, I just go with it. ;-)
Pricing questions? Check out my packages! –> Packages
To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a focus on genuine moments.
I love this approach as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections
while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
I had the pleasure of photographing Emily’s senior photos this past year, and was so happy when Mary asked me to do their family photos as well! I am sure you can see for yourself, but this family is just… Sweet. They love laughing and I enjoyed our time together so much!
Pricing questions? Check out my packages! –> Packages
To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a focus on genuine moments.
I love this approach as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections
while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
There is something so honest and beautiful about the beginning of a committed relationship. Time brings more depth than we thought possible at the beginning, but the start of forever is so shiny and soft. Learning each other without the distractions that time brings, and enjoying the ability to be more spontaneous than any other part of life allows.
These two are SWEET on each other. I loved watching them. They said “Just warning you, we are kinda stiff.” Can you tell? Yah, me neither. I just see two sweet people in love. <3
Pricing questions? Check out my packages! –> Packages
To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a focus on genuine moments.
I love this approach as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections
while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
Can we talk for a minute about how precious this period of life is with little ones??? I mean, seriously. These boys were just precious with their shy smiles and carefulness with their little sister. In the exact same moments, their baby sister was busy lighting up the room with her infectious giggle and sunbeam smiles.
Y’all, it’s crazy having littles. They are so much WORK, but the emotional payoff (some days more than others) is worth every bit of it. The way they love with their whole heart, and the honesty is always on their face. These children of ours are the next generation, and that IS important. <3
Pricing questions? Check out my packages! –> Packages
To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a focus on genuine moments.
I love this approach as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections
while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
My FAVORITE way to document a baby bump is to mix it with a family session. I love having the excitement of the rest of the family reflected in the images. I love capturing those moments of everything just as it is before their family dynamics change. I just love watching families grow. (Just a heads up, if we ever are talking about having more kids, my answer will always be “yes” have another one. lol)
I am the oldest of 6 kids, and I have 5 kids of my own. Honestly, it’s crazy y’all, but it’s so sweet, and SO worth it. THEY are worth it.
I’m not talking about financially clothing them in the latest trends and brands, or giving them a full ride through college. I am talking about bringing a new little soul in to this world. Loving them, clothing them (in secondhand clothes if needed) and teaching them to be kind, teaching them to have character and love with their whole heart.
I’m talking about the sweetness of having a large family.
It’s hard. It’s crazy. It’s worth it. <3
Pricing questions? Check out my packages! –> Packages
To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a focus on genuine moments.
I love this approach as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections
while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
Every single time a past client chooses to come back to me for updated portraits, my insides do a little jig and I just cant help but smile. Y’all, I know it’s technically “just a job” but it’s not… I’ve got myself all tied up in these photos. I shoot the way I want to see my own moments. I want to remember all of the little things, from the way they wont put their favorite stuffed puppy down to the way their noses scrunch when they are truly happy. This time of life, when you can still pick them up for a snuggle, and they lean in to “nose kisses” is PRECIOUS! We get to have them this size for such a short time.
Drink. It. in.
So, yah… Being chosen to document something so precious, that changes so quickly, THAT is special, and that is what makes my heart SO happy when someone comes back to me. <3
If you want to take a peek at their last session, here you go. ;-) –> Denton Family Photos
Pricing questions? Check out my packages! –> Packages
To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a focus on genuine moments.
I love this approach as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections
while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.