I love photographing beautiful families! I come from a large family and so does my husband so I get kind of excited when someone tells me they want me to take photos of their family with lots of kids. There is something that is just fun about the sibling interaction and the family dynamics. Even more fun, having a wide gap, this little girl looks at her big sister with stars in her eyes. I love seeing all of it, even more, I love making it tangible <3
I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!
My packages offer digital images as well as print products.
I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography.
To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email
(jenniMphotography@gmail.com) I would love to hear from you :-)
Do you remember bringing home your first baby? The anticipation, how exciting and scary it was to get the discharge paperwork from the hospital, how little they look in their bed, how they smell, how they feel, the little squeaks they make, the way they yawn with their whole body, the feeling that you are this new little persons whole world and there is no one they want more. I remember seeing my husband in a whole new wonderful way when I watched him with our babies. The strong daddy hands that are so careful with this new tiny treasure. These details are just a little part of why I so intensely love lifestyle photography. The images say more, do more than just show how cute or how tiny. They give context, they give meaning, they show something “more” that isn’t tangible.
I love lifestyle photography. It gives a picture of your life. You may not think your life is “beautiful” but it is.
With all of that said, this family… My goodness, could they be any more perfect??? This gorgeous little peanut was soooooo sweet! When I look through these photos all I can think of is how excited I am for them. In a blink of an eye she wont be a newborn any more and I am so glad they decided lifestyle newborn photography was worth the investment!
I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!
My packages offer digital images as well as print products.
I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography.
To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email
(jenniMphotography@gmail.com) I would love to hear from you :-)
Meet the Scotts. This family is special because they are family, my family. Jeanne is my cousin but I haven’t seen her since the last time I visited California (about 16 years ago!). Recently, they moved to a state that was a little closer to me and I finally successfully bribed them to come see me! We were planning on an “outdoor session” but that was before we realized the high for the day would be 39 degrees. Yikes!!! We moved the majority of the shoot indoors and decided to do a “quick” few shots during the sunset light. Other than loosing a shoe (if you are at Huntsville Library and you find a pink shoe let me know! lol) everything went off without a hitch!
Did you know you get a FREE large print (up to 20×24) with all of my full sessions? I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!
I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography but I would also love to help you capture your Maternity, Senior and Couples memories as well.
To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email (jenniMphotography@gmail.com)! I would love to hear from you :-)
5 Ways to Take Better Photos of Your Kids With Your Camera Phone
Let’s be honest, we want to carry our “nice” camera around with us but it just doesn’t happen. You see, my “day job” is a SAHM to my 4 kids, my “overtime job” is a Professional Family and Children Photographer. Granted, my “nice camera” is a little larger than the average, but not bringing my “nice camera” along with me was a problem I had even before I went pro. Here I am taking beautiful photos of everyone else’s kids and all I had to show for my family were phone photos… The solution? I finally decided to just embrace it and learn how to take better photos of my kids with what I did have with me, my camera phone!
The reason people say “say cheese” is because that the “eese” sound makes it look like we are smiling (kind of) but it is a sad substitution for a real smile. Ask your kids to talk about something they really like, their favorite thing. Watch how their eyes sparkle. THAT is what you want in your photos! Ditch the cheese and get them talking or playing with something they actually love. When you are really stuck, depending on the age of the child just be silly (or gross), it works like a charm!
Keep in mind the time of day. Is it nap time? If so sometimes I just don’t even try. Is it noon and you are outside with no shade in sight? The shadows at that time of day are harsh and difficult for even a seasoned photographer to wrangle. Keep in mind the timing.
Lighting is HUGE when you are using a phone camera! There is only so much light that can seep in to that tiny little lens so you need to compensate if there isn’t enough. If your kids are moving (mine are always moving unless they are sleeping) then you MUST have some good light. Not enough light? Move closer to a window or go outside. Harsh shadows? Turn away from the light source. Oh, and one more thing, turn your flash off! The flashes on camera phones not only seem to wash out everything in its reach but it also causes red eye and that never looks good in a photo.
There is a phrase that pro child photographers sometimes use. “Spray and Pray” Ha! I can’t say I haven’t thought it (and done it a time or two) with rambunctious kids. Sometimes you just need to take a LOT of photos to get a few you are in love with!
Get down low! I see this a lot. The mommy shot. Shoot! I even used to do it. We hold out our arm and take a photo from our own perspective with the little one craning their neck upward to look at the camera. Sure
it is ok, but look at what happens when you get down low! Get down on their level, on their height and see what happens. All of the sudden you enter their world, see things the way they see them. Their height and perspective is a big part of who they are right now, so meet them on their level and see how it changes your photos for the better. If anything it is a great leg work out doing all those squats!
Well, that is about it. Grab your phone and go play with your kids. It takes a little practice but I promise, your memories are worth it!
Ever since our 4th child was born in August it seems that life has just never gotten back “under control”. We had a newborn, my husband began his fall semester, we started our home school year, the fall busy season for JMP started up and now the holidays… I am exhausted, grouchy and typically just trying to play catch up most of the time now. This is so foreign to me… I know I am doing a LOT… It just feels like the crazy is creeping in to my life. lol
There have been more days than I care to admit that I just want to bury my head under a pillow to just drown out the noise. To block out the constant chatter of a 4 year old, to not hear the fighting, or even the squealing of a good time, to not hear my 4 month old cry any more during one of her fussy days… I love them more than my own life, more than anything on this earth but sometimes my ears are just tired.
Sometimes I lay in bed at night, looking at Pinterest, playing candy crush or just browsing for my next idea and I can’t keep my eyes open. I forge ahead and force my eyelids open for just a few more minutes only because I know as soon as I fall asleep the quiet will be gone. The next conscious moment will be filled with a baby wanting to eat or a child with a bad dream or a “morning mommy” and the chatter will begin again… Just a few more minutes… Sometimes I feel like I wait all day for those few quiet moments…
This morning I woke up early, not for any specific reason except I needed to get some things done in the quiet. I have been wanting to take some photos of them sleeping but have just never followed through… I am so glad I did <3 These little people are such a precious gift and this is just a season. The images remind me that I need to soak in their littleness, it wont be around for long. Even as I type this I have my baby in my lap and has fallen asleep to the clicking of the keyboard. They grow up so fast. In the mean time, when I am overwhelmed and my ears are tired I need to choose my moments, the quiet moments, and rest in the knowledge that God has made me to be enough. Even though I may not think the strokes of daily life are beautiful by themselves right now, our life IS beautiful and I need to remember that and change my perspective a bit…
This session has been in the works for almost a year now. LeAnn mentioned it to me a LONG time ago and we both were in love with the idea but it just wasn’t the right time until now!
What is a snuggle session?
About 30 min before I arrived LeAnn moved all the kids in to one bed and told them to go back to sleep. That is where I found them when I arrived at 7am. I don’t know about you but I LOVE taking pictures of my kids sleeping. They look so much older when they are awake, but when they sleep they are still little <3
On the list of “shots to get” were: sleeping, morning snuggles, feet, blanket hugs, reading, jumping on the bed, pillow fight and hot chocolate. It was such a fun time for the kids as well as me. You should have seen their faces light up when we announced the “next thing” each time. Priceless <3
These are only a smattering of my favorites but I think they will give you a good idea of what a lifestyle photography session with Jenni M Photography can look like :-)
Did you know you get a FREE large print (up to 20×24) with all of my full sessions? I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!
I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography but I would also love to help you capture your Maternity, Senior and Couples memories as well.
To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email (jenniMphotography@gmail.com)! I would love to hear from you :-)
Congratulations Jacqulyn R., you have won the Jenni M Photography Grand 2014 Give Away!!!
On Christmas day I will be looking for one lucky participant to give away a FREE full family session to!!!
I have a passion for capturing beautiful authentic moments for family’s and I want to give a lucky someone the gift of “tangible memories” this year. The problem is that I just couldn’t choose who because I have so many wonderful clients, so I decided I needed a little help! You do not have to be a client of Jenni M Photography to participate but you do need to live in or be willing to travel to the Huntsville area for your session. Are you wondering what is included in a JMP Family Photography Session? Here is the link <3
Do you want in on the excitement? Enter below and make sure to get as many entries as possible!!!
The contest begins at midnight on Thursday December 11th and will end on Christmas day at 6pm. The winner must use their FREE session before August 30, 2015.
I can’t wait to see who wins!!!
I must say I absolutely love how this sweet family’s photos turned out <3 We changed the date at the last minute because it was so cold and I must say I am SO glad we did! The weather, the sunset, the day was just glorious! We met in Downtown Huntsville and just strolled around looking for spots that would make a “pretty picture”. Honestly, even if we had been in a wide open field with nothing else around I think it still would have turned out great. Their daughter is ADORABLE and I don’t think she is capable of a bad photo!!! Walking with them, I kept thinking back to when we only had one child and what a sweet beautiful time that was. Our family was brand new and I am so sentimental about my babies being little it doesn’t take much to make me walk down my memory’s winding lane.
Did you know you get a FREE large print (up to 20×24) with all of my full sessions? I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!
I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography but I would also love to help you capture your Maternity, Senior and Couples memories as well.
To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email (jenniMphotography@gmail.com)! I would love to hear from you :-)
There is something about a mother and daughter that is just pure sweetness. I had such a wonderful time with these two and was blown away by how genuine and loving Lilly was to her Mom. In some of the images it is just SO obvious how much she loves and cares for her! I pray my daughters look at me that way when they are her age <3 Oh, have I mentioned how much I love freckled red heads??? Seriously in heaven <3
Did you know you get a FREE large print (up to 20×24) with all of my full sessions? I want to help you create affordable, custom and sentimental art for your own home!!!
I specialize in Family, Children, Lifestyle and Infant Photography but I would also love to help you capture your Maternity, Senior and Couples memories as well.
To book a session all you have to do is call (907-942-2358) or email (jenniMphotography@gmail.com)! I would love to hear from you :-)