I absolutely LOVE in home lifestyle sessions! There is something about kids being in their own space, lack of posing, the beautiful LIFE that happens inside the place we call home. Sentimental details are everywhere, memories around every single corner and every single bit of it is something I want to remember with my own family. This sweet little one is the last of 3 girls and her mommy decided she wanted images to help remember those little moments that we so quickly forget. The way she snuggles, plays with her toes when she nurses, so close to crawling but not quite yet, the look of adoration when she looks at her big sisters, the faces and the dimpled fingers and curly toes.
Maybe I love doing these sessions so much because it has a way of bringing those memories back for me and my own children as well. <3
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families)
and focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found
in your own relationships. For more information about my packages click HERE.
I also accept a limited number of Weddings each year.
You can find my collection details HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
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It isn’t often that I get to document a little ones first birthday ON their actual birthday!!! I can’t even tell you how cute he is. His personality, so sweet, his looks, so handsome, his family, so loving and the evening was absolutely beautiful. There aren’t many things that children remember from this young age. It is more of an imprint of love and care that they carry with them in to the future. Even though I am not one of the important people in his life, I love being a part of giving him some images of what his family looks like “right now” and how well they love, so that he can see how cherished he is at such a young age.
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families)
and focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found
in your own relationships. For more information about my packages click HERE.
I also accept a limited number of Weddings each year.
You can find my collection details HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
I am absolutely obsessed with the images of this adorable family! This big brother is SO sweet and SO in love with his little sister and watching them together was just the most precious thing. She absolutely lights up when he interacts with her <3 To give credit where credit is due, I think he learned how to treat a girl from his daddy. ;-)
It never ceases to amaze me how much I enjoy watching families love on each other. It is a beautiful thing that helps me realize how blessed to have my own family.
Children learn so many things from their parents (Mine are particularly good at learning the things I don’t want them to copy! lol) but it was SO obvious to me that this little boy has watched how well his daddy treats his mommy. He was so careful helping his sister walk and stand. Seriously sweet in every way. <3
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families)
and focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found
in your own relationships. For more information about my packages click HERE.
I also accept a limited number of Weddings each year.
You can find my collection details HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
I met Tammy and Clint at a bazaar where I had set up JMP’s very first booth displaying some of my all time favorite photos from this past year! They loved what they saw and they decided to book with me on the spot! My first impression of them was that they were over the moon for each other. It is such a pleasure working with a couple whose eyes light up when they look at one another. <3
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families)
and focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found
in your own relationships. For more information about my packages click HERE.
I also accept a limited number of Weddings each year.
You can find my collection details HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
First babies are such a special thing. Life changes so completely. It’s the first time in life that I think we truly love someone else more than ourselves, and it happens in an instant.
This beautiful Mama to be is due in October and I couldn’t be more excited for them. Parenthood is by far the most hard and magnificently beautiful thing I have ever put my hand to and I can’t help but be over the moon for couples about to embark on the same adventure.
We had storm clouds threatening from the start. We were almost finished and the sky opened up and started dumping on us. He looked at me and said “We don’t mind getting wet if you don’t.” COOLEST COUPLE EVER!!! <3
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families)
and focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found
in your own relationships. For more information about my packages click HERE.
I also accept a limited number of Weddings each year.
You can find my collection details HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
I absolutely LOVE grow with me plans. Getting to document all of the little changes and milestones as little ones change so quickly their first year is so much fun!
I have loved working with this family from the start. His beautiful mamas maternity photos, his newborn photos, 3 month and now 7 month. He has grown and changed so much. <3
It all goes by so quickly doesn’t it?
I couldn’t help but include this last one. He is such a happy baby but by the end he was done with me. lol It is just SO adorable and funny all at the same time! <3
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families)
and focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found
in your own relationships. For more information about my packages click HERE.
I also accept a limited number of Weddings each year.
You can find my collection details HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
Julie and Bart are the sweetest couple! I can’t wait to photograph their wedding in October. It is going to be at a gorgeous local venue and she is going to make the most gorgeous bride.
I was talking to Julie and she told me that he just about always is wearing hiking boots or flip flops and she is almost always in heals. lol
I love how they played up their uniqueness. After all, that is what makes them “them” isn’t it? ;-)
Julie let me know that one of the things she loves are my Fine Art photos. I have had this particular idea brewing in my brain for a while and was so excited to have a willing participant to pull it off. I love how the final image turned out.
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families)
and focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found
in your own relationships. For more information about my packages click HERE.
I also accept a limited number of Weddings each year.
You can find my collection details HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
I was SO excited when I got the message from Courtney saying they were expecting their second baby girl. She then went on to say that she wanted to talk to me about grow with me photo plans!!!
Why was I so excited?
First, because I absolutely loved getting to know her oldest (now big sister) for her first birthday photos.
The second reason is that I take clients coming back to me as a HUGE compliment. I try so hard to not only make the families in front of my lens happy with their experience at JMP but also completely satisfied after every image and final product is delivered.
To have them come back (and for something as important as newborn photos) tells me I succeeded. <3
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families)
and focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found
in your own relationships. For more information about my packages click HERE.
I also accept a limited number of Weddings each year.
You can find my collection details HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
Huntsville & Madison Family & Maternity Lifestyle Photographer Jenni M Photography – Nymeyer
Meet my brother Aaron and his wife Catie. They are having their very first baby and I can’t even tell you how excited for them I am. They are going to be such amazing parents and with their gorgeous genetics this baby is going to be absolutely adorable! Aaron is in the Air Force and they are stationed in California at the moment. This little peanut is due only 2 months before he is scheduled to be deployed for 6 months. In the mean time they are enjoying this time and still head over heals for one another!
I told them I wanted to get some photos of her bump while they were here visiting me. The last night before they were going to leave I looked outside and realized the sky was gorgeous and we were running out of time! Ten minutes later we were in the car headed to one of my favorite sunset spots. We were only out for about 30 minutes but I have so many images that I am in love with <3
Congratulations you two and I can’t wait to meet your new baby GIRL!!! <3
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families)
and focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found
in your own relationships. For more information about my packages click HERE.
I also accept a limited number of Weddings each year.
You can find my collection details HERE.
To book a session call (907-942-2358) or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
If you hadn’t noticed, my absolute favorite people to have in front of my lens are families and if you have young kids, that is just icing on the cake!!! I absolutely love photographing the gorgeousness that is in this time of life. It is so precious and so fleeting. Kids are little for such a short time and I cherish the opportunity to document these moments.
This awesome family braved the Alabama Summer heat for these photos! We got an early start and headed up to Madison Nature Trail. It was a beautiful backdrop for this adorable family. Working with young kids can be challenging at times but this little guy was such a trooper!
Thank you so much for choosing me to capture your “right now” <3
I love ending sessions in the water <3
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth and of course Families)
and focus on showcasing the unique bond and beautiful connections that are found
in your own relationships. For more information about my packages click HERE.
I also accept a limited number of Weddings each year.
You can find my collection details HERE.