2017Our Moments
Wow! I knew this past month felt busy, but as I went through all the photos I was surprised at how many I had. I am really enjoying my renewed commitment to our own family photography. I am having a hard time remembering to bring along my camera, and now with a newborn, I won’t have 2 hands to take photos with. I have been eyeing the Fuji X100F. I finally pulled the trigger and ordered it yesterday. I am hoping it will give me the ability to continue documenting our moments with one hand on the go! lol
This past month Michael was mowing the back yard and saw this little bunny. It didn’t even move when he walked over to pick it up. The kids all got to hold it before we let it go through the hole under the fence. <3 Emma cried when he let it go though. She told her daddy later “I wanted to keep the baby bunny forever.”
I have been adding items to my client closet quite a bit lately… Lots of mama dresses, but I am also trying to have a good selection of children’s accessories and outfits as well. The hat and suspenders are from Roman & Leo and the adorable outfits my daughter is in, are from a local boutique designer, Petticoat Patch. I absolutely love it when I get to use my own kids as models. It gives me an excuse to get some “professional photos” of them. I honestly have so many ideas that I want to do with my kids but finding the time to pull it off doesn’t often happen.
The truck they are sitting on was my husbands Grandpas. My husband is planning on restoring it with our boys as they grow. Until then it makes the perfect classic “Southern Summer” prop as they ate their fresh peaches.
More pics of different dresses available in the JMP client closet. <3
I read somewhere that “Children don’t truly own anything, so when they give you a gift, even if it is just a rock, they are giving you everything they have.” As soon as I processed it, I realized how true and meaningful that bit of wisdom was.
He gathers treasures for me everywhere he goes. I have a special little pile of dried flowers, rocks and little trinkets he has found for me over time sitting next to my computer. <3
This past month we celebrated my husbands Grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. A good chunk of his family came to town and we had a great time visiting and catching up. We both come from large families so when we all get together it makes quite a large group!
It was also the weekend of Fathers Day. After taking photos for the “big group”, my 4 year old Noah (who idolizes his daddy and after we gave him his new shirt ran in to his bedroom and changed his to “match”) asked me to take a picture of him and dad together.
The biggest thing that happened this past month was that we were blessed to welcome Madison Joy in to our family. Born June 30th at 3:15pm, 7lb 1oz, 19in long. Long story short, she is completely perfect in every way and we are head over heals in love with her.
I am already looking forward to going through all of the photos of our kids getting to know their little sister for next months post (and experimenting with my new camera!). <3