Choose Your Moment
I get “super mom” comments ALL the time. Well meaning women who praise me for all the things I do. Don’t get me wrong, I am BUSY! I have been blessed with the ability to be a stay at home mom and I have 3 awesome kids that keep me on my toes (especially the middle one! Yikes!!!) and have a lot of balls in the air ALL THE TIME! The thing is, my strengths lie in some pretty easy to see areas. I have a knack for anything crafty and domestic. I also love to organize… Ok, ok… Enough already, this post is really not about me at all.
I was browsing Facebook a while back and stumbled across this quote:
Pretty amazing isn’t it…
You see, I am not in the habit of posting pictures of my house when it looks like a bomb went off, or videos of my children on their “challenging” days… I love my kids but some days they make me CRAZY!!! In fact, I would be very comfortable saying that there isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t have at least a few minutes of crazy. It is just a part of my life, my crazy, beautiful, busy life. In all of the craziness I decided a while back that I was going to be intentional about focusing on the sweet and beautiful moments that make me fall in love with being a mom over and over again. As that “intentionality” has played out on Facebook over the past few years, I started to realize that what I portray online isn’t painting an accurate or “real” picture of my life…
So here is the deal. My plan for this is to write about the “behind the scenes” footage. The whining, the business, the chaos, the crazy, you will hear about it all. You will also see the “Choose Your Moment” image. The sweetness, the relationships, the quiet moments, the beauty that I want to remember for always. I don’t know if any of this made any sense, but the next post should clarify anything that is fuzzy. It is time to pull the curtain of Facebook away…